May 19, 2023
N.A.P.S. Members Author Guide to Peer Support

What it Takes: Wisdom from Peer Support Specialists and Supervisors is about the practice of peer support from its origins in self-help to its continuing evolution as a profession.
It provides some history, research, values, and guidelines of peer support brought together from conference presentations from real-world practitioners. Written by NAPS members for NAPS members and others, it aligns with foundational memes: “Nothing about us without us” and “Each one Teach one.”
Each chapter contains information from the front-line practitioners and peer support allies who are crafting the profession on a daily basis. The purpose of this edition is to provide one of the first guides to peer support work from a peer-led authoritative source.
The field has grown rapidly with a need to provide the basic information for those entering its ranks. The book is intended to provide the latest information on a philosophy and profession that is at the forefront of the transformation of behavioral health services from a medical model satisfied with symptom relief and stability to a recovery model determined to inform those with a diagnosis of mental illness that a quality life is possible and doable.