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National Association of Peer Supporters

N.A.P.S. is a community where peer supporters work together to learn, grow, and advocate for the profession.

Peer Support Works

A growing body of research demonstrates the impact of peer support. Learn More »

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Program Spotlight

The New York Peer Advancement Network (NY-PAN) is a partnership between the New York Office of Mental Health and N.A.P.S. The program currently features regular networking meetings, is launching a mentorship program, and developing online resources to support Peers in or serving New York.

N.A.P.S. Launches New Job Board for Peer Support Professionals

N.A.P.S. Launches New Job Board for Peer Support Professionals

The National Association of Peer Support Professionals (N.A.P.S.) recently launched a new job board for peer support professionals seeking employment and employers seeking to hire peer support professionals across the United States. The new N.A.P.S. job board can be accessed at peersupportworks.org/jobs. While N.A.P.S. has hosted an online job board for many years, the new…

Background: United States Capital Building, off-center positioned leftward, with United States flag. Foreground: Logo of National Association of Peer Supporters with the word "Advocacy" beneath.

National Association of Peer Supporters Endorses the PEER Support Act

The PEER Support Act encompasses vital provisions that will elevate the role of peer support specialists, improve their professional recognition, and enhance their ability to serve individuals in need. N.A.P.S. recognizes the significance of these measures and firmly believes that they will positively impact the peer support specialist profession and the communities they serve.